예수의 능력으로 일어나라(행3:6)

사랑과 비전이 넘치는 행복한 교회

A Special Joint Youth Group-EM Praise Worship Service

Hi, APC Family.
God has done truly amazing things in APC YG-EM Joint Summer Retreat 2014 last weekend!
God has revealed Himself to us and what His family should look like.
Let us thank all the APC family who prayed for us and blessed us with their time, gifts, and act of service.
We especially thank our Retreat PraiseTeam who practiced and prayed together many days for our time of worship.
In order to keep our passion for worship, Diana and I decided to have a special joint Youth Group-EM praise worship service on August 24th, 2014 at 12:30 pm at APC main sanctuary.
We will particularly focus on praise and the unity in the Body of Christ.
Please mark this down for your calendar. Please do not miss out this special time together as APC family.
By Yongbom Lee
★ 중고대학청년부특별찬양집회: 주일(8월 24) 오후1230분부터 새학기를 맞이하여 중고대학청년부 특별찬양집회가 본당에서 있습니다. 우리교회의 미래인 자녀들을 위해서 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
찬양집회 관계로 주일오후예배는 가정예배로 드립니다.