예수의 능력으로 일어나라(행3:6)

사랑과 비전이 넘치는 행복한 교회

여름수련회 the Summer Retreat 2015 (Aug 3-Aug6).

  • 작성자 : 관리자
  • 조회 : 2,121
  • 15-06-14 07:49

Hello YG, here are the two form that need to be turned in for the summer retreat (Aug 3-Aug6).

Please turn them in to Pastor C. Choi ASAP to secure your place for the retreat and by June 28 at the latest.

Please download both forms from the link above.

One form is for church and the other one is for the retreat center.

For the retreat center form, you can also download from this link: http://www.ironwood.org/form.pdf

 For the retreat center form...

The first page of the form need the following filled out:...
- Completed “Camper Information” for each camper that will be attending.
- “Parent/Guardian Information” for anyone under 18 years, which is on the right side
- “Camp Name” please write "Antioch Presbyterian Church".
- “Camp Date”: please write "8/3/15- 8/6/15"

- Financial Information can be left blank.
-“Other Family Members Registering” can be ignored.

The second page of the form is where you have the ability to record any health or medical issues. We do require that anyone who is 18 years or older to fill-out and sign their own form. Anyone younger than that will need their legal guardian to sign their form.

