예수의 능력으로 일어나라(행3:6)

사랑과 비전이 넘치는 행복한 교회

야구 구경 가여~~~~

A.P.C. Dodgers Night
Saturday, July 27, 2013

L.A. Dodgers vs. Cincinnati Red
Saturday, July 27 at 6:10 PM
** Must Purchase by Sunday, June 30**
What(무엇을): L.A. Dodgers vs. Cincinnati Reds 경기(추신수선수 소속팀)
When(언제): Saturday, July 27th, 2013
Where(어디서): Meet at Church at 4:00pm 교회에서 모여서
Cost(얼마): $15 Per Person( Includes Tickets / Parking / Food)
Information(문의):   Neville Hong JDSN (홍전도사님; 213-273-5763)
Name(이름): ____________________________________________
No. of Tickets ______ x $15.00 = $_____________
[ Make Checks Payable to A.P.C.]
Due Sunday, June 30th